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SE4Ces proudly presents the Living Labs training toolkit. 

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What is this toolkit?

The SE4Ces training toolkit is a comprehensive guide designed to promote cooperative methods in education on social entrepreneurship and the social economy. 
It is complementary to the SE Living Labs framework report (D.4.1) which offers the overall methodology and conceptual framework for this collaborative process. 

Who is this toolkit for?

The toolkit is addressed to participating universities, interested parties, academic staff from Higher Education Institutions, university students, representatives, and members of social economy organizations/enterprises.

se4ces ll infographicWhy use this toolkit?

It offers hands-on tools and step-by-step guidance on how to jointly prepare and run a Social Economy Living Lab, an open partnership that includes both co-creation and pilot activities on social economy-related topics, enriched with innovative teaching methodologies. 

For educators and trainers:

  • The SE4Ces training toolkit provides a wealth of resources and adaptable methods that allow you to pick and choose the tools or activities that fit better to your own examined topics, reflect your needs, and consider your national specificities.
  • By using this toolkit, you can improve your professional development in social entrepreneurship and the social economy.
  • You can also cultivate multiple transversal skills through inspiring methods in learning and teaching, as useful tools to enrich your knowledge in social economy education.

For social economy organizations:

  • The SE4Ces training toolkit can help representatives and members of social economy organizations/enterprises to improve their knowledge and skills in social entrepreneurship and the social economy.
  • The toolkit provides guidance on how to prepare and launch a Social Economy Living Lab, which is an open partnership that includes both co-creation and pilot activities on social economy-related topics, enriched with innovative teaching methodologies.
  • By participating in a Social Economy Living Lab, you can gain valuable insights into the needs and challenges of social entrepreneurs and members of cooperatives.
  • You can also contribute to the development of innovative teaching approaches to business planning or on the optimization of operating systems for local cooperatives.
  • Finally, by using this toolkit, you can promote cooperative methods in education on social entrepreneurship and the social economy, which can help to create a more sustainable and equitable society.


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Download the toolkit (ENG)