The SE4Ces ‘Final evaluation report of pilot case results’ encompasses a thorough analysis of the evaluation of the pilot implementation of the SE Living Labs (SE LLs) in four pilot universities. The main goal of the current deliverable is to obtain useful and measurable evaluation results and to provide a comprehensive account of the main findings of all evaluation activities regarding the overall effectiveness of the co-created educational material and the level of satisfaction and engagement of all involved stakeholders from the academic area, business area and the SE actors’ community.
The current report draws on quantitative evaluation data that were collected between January and December 2023 through a series of surveys customised for each pilot activity and on qualitative tools such as interviews and focus groups targeting students, academics and SE actors who were involved in the pilot activities.
At the core of the applied evaluation strategy lies the Empowerment Evaluation methodology which was deployed by Stimmuli for social change (lead partner for the evaluation strategy and activities) in collaboration with the project’s four pilot universities. This approach features an iterative and collaborative process that has encouraged participation of all stakeholders in the evaluation activities and has created multiple reflection opportunities. It was leveraged with a primary focus on producing results that can contribute to the refinement of the SE LLs material and teaching methods for the SE4Ces Master programme based on the core values of SE taking into account the SE sector needs so as to produce meaningful outcomes for the final phases of the project.
The deliverable concludes with three interconnected sub-sections: i) lessons learnt that resulted from the evaluation findings of the pilot activities, ii) limitations and challenges regarding the piloted methods and activities that were highlighted by the involved stakeholders, and iii) a series of recommendations and points for further improvement highlighted during the final reflection sessions by educators, students and SE actors to raise the efficacy of the SE4Ces educational package.