Disclaimer: Translations are automated and may not be 100% accurate.

UNIBO and the consortium of the Erasmus+ project Social Economy 4Ces held the International Learning Mobility training programme to explore innovative educational approaches to Social economy. The meeting was held in the Bologna city center, from the 25th to the 28th of January 2023. 

Event contact: Elena Barison - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Communications contact: Pieter-Jan Herman - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Over the past year, the project consortium co-created innovative educational material with teachers, students and social economy stakeholders. Now it is officially time for us to test and start piloting in the various contributing countries.

Before we started piloting within actual classes in the university we held these Learning Mobilities open to any interested individual active as social economy entrepreneurs, social economy training staff, and university teachers. The Learning Mobility gave the opportunity to train teachers and stakeholders to learn how to adopt and implement these new methodologies.

Furthermore, it gave us the opportunity to discuss the structure and content of the online Joint Master on “Social Economy and Community Development Strategies”, created thanks to the inputs of our stakeholders, and the SE 4Ces Wiki platform, which will consist of a collection of material supporting the online master. The first two days were dedicated to teachers, trainers, and professors, while the third day was dedicated to social economy practitioners, stakeholders, and umbrella organisations. 

Social economy organisation participating had the opportunity to build an invaluable network of researchers, educators, and students active in the social economy. One of our core goals is to leverage those networks to build bridges between the labor market and higher education institutions.



Presentations can be found here.




Download the full agenda here.



Project roadmap
